A dedicated lower chest workout might seem redundant. Your lower chest has to work during most pressing exercises, so why try to isolate it? Wouldn’t it make more sense to train your chest with movements you enjoy and not think about it too much?
There is certainly wisdom in not complicating things too much. But our chest muscles have three distinct regions with varying fiber orientation, which impacts how different exercises develop our pectorals. Emphasizing your lower chest plays an essential role in the overall look of your pec muscles and can improve your pressing strength.
How to choose a resistance band?
Resistance bands come in many shapes and sizes, so you have to pay attention when picking one. Bands come in two configurations: looped and open-ended. The second model of bands typically comes with a handle on each side. Resistance bands also vary by tension. Thicker bands offer more resistance, where thinner ones offer less and are suitable for beginner strength training and mobility work.
When choosing bands for lower chest training, start with lighter ones, regardless of their configuration. Looped and open-ended can work in most scenarios. For instance, take a light and open-ended one for chest flyes and a thicker one for presses. Once you’re comfortable with resistance band training, you can start using thicker bands to challenge yourself more. But keep in mind that bands offer greater resistance as you stretch them, so gauge the difficulty at the top of each repetition, not the start.
Lower Chest Workout with Resistance Band

Chest fly using a High Resistance Band:
Attach a resistance band overhead. Turn your back to the band, grab it with one hand, and take a couple of steps forward. Bring your chest out, stagger your stance, and take a breath. Begin to do flyes. Once finished on one side, grab the band with your other hand and repeat.
Standing Decline Chest Press using a Resistance Band :
Attach a resistance band overhead, turn your back to it, and grab it with one hand. Take a step forward to create band tension, bring your chest out, stagger your stance, and take a breath. With your elbow close to your body, press against the band, fully extending your elbow. Keep repeating, then grab the band with your other hand, and repeat.
Incline Push-up using a Resistance Band:
Wrap a looped resistance band over your hands and behind your back for extra resistance. Once set up, begin to do push-ups against an elevated surface, such as a gym bench or other sturdy object.
Final Thoughts
Emphasizing your lower chest is vital for overall aesthetics and functionality. The good news is, you don’t have to do complicated exercises or follow fancy techniques to build up your pectorals.
Resistance bands are fantastic for chest training because they offer versatility, and you can target the lower portion through various exercises. These bands are also helpful because they come in different configurations and offer varying levels of resistance. You can start with thin bands and gradually start using thicker ones to keep yourself challenged.
If you are looking to learn more about resistance training, study a resistance training course to enhance your knowledge and get the most out of your training.